FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
I was advised not to write about things,
but I have to trust my gut because I don’t trust in the justice of the legal system.
This officer was driving erratically, so I pulled into the nearest lit parking lot.
Enough time had passed to where I was already walking into a liquor store. He then drove into the parking lot some time after,
rolled down his window while in his vehicle, and asked for my ID.
To the best of my knowledge, he didn’t have his flashing lights on at the time,
which is one of the reasons I didn’t know it was a traffic stop.
I was also walking.
He didn’t like me questioning him, why?
And said if I didn’t give him my ID, he was going to detain me.
He refused to give me a clear, coherent answer as to why I needed to provide him with ID.
Mind you, I was already walking into a store.
There was no clear indication that I was being pulled over or that I did anything that violated the law.
To be clear, it wasn’t a traffic stop because I recorded him saying, “Now it’s a traffic stop.”
This was after he was already out of his car, and I was recording him because I was scared at the way he was approaching me after threatening to detain me for no legit reason.
To the best of my knowledge,
he turned his flashing lights on before getting out of his car to come at me.
Of course, I’m going to be defensive,
I’m a father having my rights violated and degraded by an armed wannabe thug for no legitimate reason.
I’m also not the only person who has filmed this cop in action.
Notice how agitated he made this woman feel?
I almost wonder if the cop is autistic the way he seems confused all the time?
I called 911 because I didn’t even know if this guy was a real cop or not?
I’ve never experienced a cop do anything this backward before, especially not to where it escalated this badly.
You are also urged to call 911 to report crimes that are in progress,
whether or not a life is threatened.
https://www.ilapco.org/230/911-Dos-Donts I felt my life was threatened.
A ton of other cops arrived; and at this point I did comply by offering my ID,
but one of the backup officers said it was too late so the rest of the gang forcefully arrested me,
I did not resist, although that particular backup officer kept yelling it.
While I was handcuffed in the back of the cop car; they searched the interior of my car and trunk without my consent, they must of went through my locked glove box, too, because it was unlocked when I picked it up from the tow yard.
I had items containing personal and sensitive financial information, including a Trezor crypto currency wallet that went missing from my laptop bag upon leaving the jail.
To the best of my memory, they wouldn’t let me go through my bag at the jail to make sure all my stuff was in it.
They only let me go through my wallet.
After getting out on bond, I immediately filed a formal complaint with the Sargent, who then called the tow yard, and an officer was able to recover my missing items.
I know the way I securely tucked my USB drives and crypto currency wallet in my laptop bag that day; because it’s the same way I do it everyday, so, it doesn’t really make any sense the way they were magically found in my back seat.
Also, of all the things that could have fallen out of my bag, why my money?
Oh, then the tow company jacked my car up and refused responsibility; although I provided a certified document from my mechanic that damages were, in fact, from improper towing.
I even filed a complaint with the AG.
Daniel v Quality Towing 2023-cp07212212283-A
The judge handling my case was so late to court that almost all the other attorneys were wondering if it was gonna be a no-show.
I don’t think I’ve ever gone to court where the judge was late.
The judge handling my case bragged that her district is different and that their police chief would never tolerate police misconduct.
Meanwhile, in all my years of being targeted unjustly by law enforcement, I’ve never witnessed anything escalate this poorly in my life.
I’m 39 years old, and prior to this, I’ve never been to jail. I don’t smoke; I don’t use drugs, I literally just work, study, go to the gym, and hang out with my kid all day.
I’m basically perfect.
This was the straw that broke the camels back for me regarding law enforcement. I will never trust them again.
If this police chief is so serious about building strong relations with the public, then why was I charged with 3 month’s community service for having “my rights” violated?
Yea, in this political climate and digital age; in a State which is notorious for police abuses, let’s violate the rights of a model citizen, who has international press for publishing books on investigative journalism, has 29k followers just on one Twitter account alone; 6 heavily indexed professional websites, one with over 40k backlinks, as well as over 20 aged additional micro blogs anchored to them..
It’s like they’re trying to create a PR nightmare themselves, smh.
Southfield Michigan Body Cam Footage and New DUI Policy Request (Southfield Police Department)
BTW, I don’t mind community service, I started my own homeless outreach in Hart Plaza long before Protestant churches realized they could profit more from helping the poors in a down economy.
The post FTP appeared first on Disruptive Fine Art.