Let’s destroy #ForcedPsychiatry. This is the #Salvation of the #Victims. #RT: @mh_reform @Demetry28 @PsychVictims #HumanRights
There is only one thing left for such professionals to know. – Any of their decisions has the status of a verdict. Nobody dares to dispute this. It remains to rely on power. Don’t need to know anything else for this.
— [email protected] (@Demetry28) April 23, 2021
Psychiatry itself never acknowledges its criminal practice. Compulsory psychiatry must be abolished by law. And the victims themselves must do it. No one will do this without us.
Our Request:
Please Copy this Template and Email it to your Legislators!
For more information visit: https://humanecoalition.com/blog/
An appeal to legislators
Dear MP. (name) In the last elections I voted for your party and I am addressing as your voter. Forced me to turn to you some vicious provisions of the law resulting in crimes and intolerable human tragedies. The perverse nature of these provisions lies in the fact that they legitimize the extremely cruel, inhuman activities of compulsory psychiatry. Psychiatric coercion is a clear example of the destruction of fundamental human rights. Leads to atrocities and crimes. Contradicts the declared objectives of the Criminal Code:
«The main tasks of the criminal code are the protection of rights and freedoms, human dignity.»
The psychiatric position declares the feelings, beliefs, and will of a person as a manifestation of the disease. Thus, canceling the intrinsic value of human individuality, allowing violence. By changing the essence of a person, adjusting him to a contrived template. How can such a position, such actions not exclude human rights, freedoms and dignity ?!
«The principle of equality of citizens before the law.»
Psychiatric coercion clearly destroys the principle of equality before the law. Since he with one side takes out of protection by law one group of citizens defined on the basis of mental health. (or rather, by the imposed psychiatric label) And gives them away into complete, uncontrolled domination to persons who have nothing to do with the right and responsibility. And on the other hand, it removes from responsibility before the law another group of citizens, defined as doctors, psychiatrists. How a state of affairs can the equality of all before the law not be violated in such?
«The guilt principle
A person is subject to criminal liability only for those socially dangerous actions (inaction) and socially dangerous consequences in relation to which his guilt has been established. Criminal liability for innocent harm is not allowed.»
The principle of psychiatric measures is to substitute a psychiatric diagnosis for court. It turns out that a person is condemned not for guilt, but for being sick. Coercive psychiatric measures obviously allow for the reprisal of a person, without established guilt.
«The principle of justice.
Punishment and other measures of a criminal-legal nature applied to a person, must be fair, that is, correspond to the nature and degree of social danger of the crime, the circumstances of its commission and the identity of the perpetrator. No one can be held criminally liable twice for the same crime.»
Coercive psychiatric measures are contrary to the principle of fairness of as they allow disregarding the circumstances of the incident, the personality of the accused. They allowing to act not in accordance with justice. Allow to carry out psychiatric reprisals many times, at the whim of psychiatrists, completely without taking into account the reasons.
Psychiatric “treatment” causes severe health damage. Destroys the body, human abilities. Destroys individuality, actually the person himself. Such actions cannot be classified otherwise than as crimes. And they directly fall under the articles of the Criminal Code on the infliction of grave damage. But contrary to the obvious, these atrocities are not suppressed by the court and vice versa – they are committed on legal grounds. Here the law contains absolutely incompatible contradictions. – Some provisions of the law explicitly prohibit such actions. At the same time, other provisions legalize them. And this means that any judge, executing articles of psychiatric legislation, when he gives a person to the power of psychiatrists, violates the fundamental principles of the law.
«Driving a person to suicide
Driving a person to suicide or attempted suicide by threats, cruel treatment or systematic humiliation of the victim’s human dignity»
Mocking, sadistic actions of persons carrying out psychiatric coercion cause serious damage, pushing a person beyond the possibility of living. A particularly sophisticated evil is that the effect of “treatment” often deprives a person of this last opportunity. A person lives, abides in hell as he cannot die. I emphasize that it is not the desire to die that is diminished, but the opportunity is absent. In that a special atrocity.
On the other hand, why destroy an unwanted person with “treatment”? If the whole problem is how to get rid of the bothering person, there may be other options. Not only “cure” For example, an unwanted person can simply be killed. Dead, he is guaranteed not to disturb anyone. How does this option not suit the haters of “psychos”? If a person is not allowed to live as his soul requires, then why not leave the opportunity to die? If he himself prefers death to “cure”, then why should he be deprived of even such extreme salvation ?!
Dear MP. – To turn to You me forced by extreme despair. Probably in the world there are no more disadvantaged, humiliated and disenfranchised than those who unfortunately happened to be endowed with a psychiatric label. Nobody’s rights have been denied to that extent! We cannot rely on the understanding of society, on the compassion and participation of officials. Us can only rely on the law itself. Therefore, I have to insist that you take into account the intolerable state of affairs. So that at sessions of parliament you would defend our rights and seek the exclusion of psychiatric coercion from measures acceptable in the human community at the legislative level. If You do not with this requirement and do not will seek the exclusion of psychiatric compulsion, I will refuse to trust you and longer for you for your party no will vote.
The post Let’s destroy #ForcedPsychiatry. This is the #Salvation of the #Victims. #RT: @mh_reform @Demetry28 @PsychVictims #HumanRights appeared first on Disruptive Fine Art.