Terrible Experience With Yoast SEO
Terrible Experience With Yoast SEO
I have repeatedly requested Yoast to address a persistent problem regarding the updating of tags,
but unfortunately, my efforts have yielded no results.
I have decided to take a different approach and express my dissatisfaction with the company by sharing someone else’s comprehensive article highlighting various negative aspects.
Our bad experience with a vendor known as Yoast,
in a perverse case of synchronicity, illustrates our theme of the crapification of everything.
Yoast’s supposedly customized report to us is one of the shoddiest,
error-filled documents I have ever encountered in my thirty-plus years as a professional.
This Yoast SEO Review also provides a window into the power that Google has over Internet-based businesses.
Plus we think you’ll find this to be an entertaining shaggy dog story,
even though it was not at all fun for Team NC.
(Busy techies who just want to see how wretchedly bad the Yoast SEO Review was,
follow this link to see our discussion of the pervasive errors in their report).
By way of background, SEO optimization is “search engine optimization.”
Since Google is the big kahuna in this space, SEO optimization is entirely about pleasing Google,
so that your site come up well in its searches.
I haven’t been eager to pursue this idea (after all, this site has done well by being feral)
but after our redesign, I thought it might we worth considering.
Off I went to Yoast, an SEO consultancy which is also known for its Yoast WordPress SEO plugin.
Yoast offers several level of review, but they all promise to be specific to your site, and they profess to do more than just look at SEO issues,
even though on the intake form, we made clear that SEO was our interest.
Even before we signed up, it was clear that Yoast makes its real money doing what amounts to consulting work for large sites
(and of course, the Yoast WordPress SEO plugin).
Thus its reviews for smaller sites are essentially repurposing the expertise they gained on big clients for smaller ones. In theory, this could be a good by-product business.
The post Terrible Experience With Yoast SEO appeared first on Disruptive Fine Art.