Why do #Employers ask if you have a #Disability? Isn’t that a flag for #WorkplaceDiscrimination already?.. Especially when many #Disabilities are based off of social constructs not an actual #Disease or physical disability.
Here is a list of resources that discuss this topic, many are from various points of views other than my own:
A post shared by Everyday Psych Victims Project (@psychvictims)
https://www.thesun.ie/news/2888978/cork-granny-electro-convulsive-therapy-ban/ “Anybody can get a Label. A Doctor can say you are Bipolar. And once you’re given a label, your Rights are taken away from you. You’ve less rights than a criminal has.” – Mary Maddock #AbolishForcedPsychiatry
Truth is we cannot tell who is mentally ill and who is not by looking at pictures of their brain or analyzing their blood. Psychologists had to invent their own book of diseases because pathologists would have nothing to do with them.
Every disorder listed in the DSM is invented. Every disease found in a pathology text book is discovered.
Mental illness refers to something a person does, real disease refers to something a person has.
It takes one person to have a disease, it takes two people to have a mental illness.
The diagnosis of mental illness has always been a weapon, not so when diagnosing a real disease. Social conflict has nothing to do with developing a real disease. You don’t develop diabetes because someone doesn’t like the way you think, act, or behave.
– Unknown
The post Why do #Employers ask if you have a #Disability? Isn’t that a flag for #WorkplaceDiscrimination already?.. Especially when many #Disabilities are based off of social constructs not an actual #Disease or physical disability. appeared first on Disruptive Fine Art.